[email protected]

[email protected] is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 2 Chrome extensions, including Portal 2 GLaDOS. Its Chrome extensions have reached 66 users.

Users: 66 (Average 33/extension)
Rating: 3.82 (149)
Total active extensions: 2
Number of previously published extensions: 0

Active extensions

Mass Effect 2 Shepard Miranda
#1, Mass Effect 2 Shepard Miranda
Mass Effect 2 Shepard Miranda
This theme brings Mass Effect and the battle against the reapers to your web browser.
4.24 (41)
Portal 2 GLaDOS
#2, Portal 2 GLaDOS
Portal 2 GLaDOS
This theme welcomes Portal 2 and GLaDOS into your browser.
3.66 (108)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count