
www.vcita.com is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 4 Chrome extensions, including Appointment Booking & Scheduling by vCita. Its Chrome extensions have reached 8,992+ users.

Website: https://www.vcita.com
Users: 8,992+ (Average 2,248/extension)
Rating: 4.17 (64)
Total active extensions: 4
Number of previously published extensions: 0
Most used extension
Best Online Scheduling and calendar management Software for you small business, in sync with your Google calendar
4.03 (33) 6,000+
Least used extension
Get MUCH more leads from your website. Create beautiful contact form that deliver more contacts and clients
4.00 (4) 313
Highest rated extension
A complete client invoicing and online payment app for small businesses
4.45 (22) 2,000+
Lowest rated extension
Capture more business opportunities on your site, qualify and manage leads more effectively
4.00 (5) 679

Active extensions

Invoicing, Billing & Online Payments by vCita
#1, Invoicing, Billing & Online Payments by vCita
Invoicing, Billing & Online Payments by vCita
A complete client invoicing and online payment app for small businesses
4.45 (22)
Contact Form & Calls to Action
#2, Contact Form & Calls to Action
Contact Form & Calls to Action
Get MUCH more leads from your website. Create beautiful contact form that deliver more contacts and clients
4.00 (4)
Appointment Booking & Scheduling by vCita
#3, Appointment Booking & Scheduling by vCita
Appointment Booking & Scheduling by vCita
Best Online Scheduling and calendar management Software for you small business, in sync with your Google calendar
4.03 (33)
CRM - Contact Manager by vCita
#4, CRM - Contact Manager by vCita
CRM - Contact Manager by vCita
Capture more business opportunities on your site, qualify and manage leads more effectively
4.00 (5)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count