Publisher summary is a Chrome extension publisher. Its Chrome extensions have reached 2 users.
Users: 2 (Average
Rating: 3.11
Total published extensions: 16
Published Chrome extensions
16 results. Page 1 of 1.
Jaki Nycole (Standard)
BTR feature Jaki Nycole. This is a smaller version designed for 1024X768 screen resolution.
El Sueno (Standard)
El Sueno Espanol, featured on BTR.
1024 X 768 resolution
Jaki Nycole (Mini)
BTR feature Jaki Nycole.
1024 X 576 resolution
Destiny Raven (Standard)
BTR feature and favorite Destiny Raven 1024 X 768 resolution
Destiny Raven (HD2)
BTR feature and favorite Destiny Raven 1366 X 768 resolution
Jaki Nycole (HD2)
BTR feature Jaki Nycole.
1366 X 768 resolution
El Sueno (HD2)
El Sueno Espanol, featured on BTR.
1366 X 768 resolution
Destiny Raven (Mini)
BTR feature and favorite Destiny Raven 1024 X 576 resolution
Jaki Nycole
BTR feature Jaki Nycole.
El Sueno (Mini)
El Sueno Espanol, featured on BTR.
1024 X 576 resolution
Destiny Raven (HD)
BTR feature and favorite Destiny Raven 1680 X 1050 resolution
Ciara Leon (HD)
BTR feature Ciara Leon | 1680 X 1050 Resolution
Ciara Leon (HD2)
BTR feature Ciara Leon | 1366X768 Resolution, try this one for widescreen laptops
El Sueno (HD)
El Sueno Espanol, featured on BTR.
Ciara Leon (Mini)
BTR feature Ciara Leon | 1024X576 Resolution, try this one for mini laptops
Ciara Leon (Standard)
BTR feature Ciara Leon | 1024 X 768 Resolution
16 results. Page 1 of 1.