
weekdone.com is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 2 Chrome extensions, including Weekdone Employee Status Reports. Its Chrome extensions have reached 1,762+ users.

Website: https://weekdone.com
Users: 1,762+ (Average 881/extension)
Email: he*****@weekdone.com
Rating: 3.85 (13)
Total active extensions: 2
Number of previously published extensions: 0

Active extensions

Weekdone Employee Status Reports
#1, Weekdone Employee Status Reports
Weekdone Employee Status Reports
Hassle-free weekly employee status reports. Share key goals, accomplishments and challenges with your team.
3.60 (5)
Weekdone - Plan and share your weekly tasks
#2, Weekdone - Plan and share your weekly tasks
Weekdone - Plan and share your weekly tasks
Quick form to plan your weekly tasks and journal done items. Share key goals, accomplishments and challenges with your team.
4.00 (8)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count