
diegorestrepo.developer is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 3 Chrome extensions, including Profit Sniper Strategy Finder Pro. Its Chrome extensions have reached 1,262+ users.

Users: 1,262+ (Average 421/extension)
Email: di*****@gmail.com
Rating: 4.25 (12)
Total active extensions: 3
Number of previously published extensions: 0
Most used extension
Find the best setting for trading
4.20 (10) 687
Least used extension
Find the best setting for trading Back Testing
0.00 (0) 271
Highest rated extension
Find the best setting for trading Back Testing
4.50 (2) 304
Lowest rated extension
Find the best setting for trading Back Testing
0.00 (0) 271

Active extensions

ATR Finder Pro for TradingView
#1, ATR Finder Pro for TradingView
ATR Finder Pro for TradingView
Find the best setting for trading Back Testing
0.00 (0)
Profit Sniper Strategy Finder Pro
#2, Profit Sniper Strategy Finder Pro
Profit Sniper Strategy Finder Pro
Find the best setting for trading
4.20 (10)
Trend Switcher Finder Pro for TradingView
#3, Trend Switcher Finder Pro for TradingView
Trend Switcher Finder Pro for TradingView
Find the best setting for trading Back Testing
4.50 (2)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count