
georges.labreche is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 3 Chrome extensions, including IRF Kiruna Aurora Alert. Its Chrome extensions have reached 19 users.

Users: 19 (Average 6/extension)
Rating: 0.00 (0)
Total active extensions: 3
Number of previously published extensions: 0
Most used extension
Notifies user when the IRF Kiruna magnetogram readings indicate that nice auroras have been appearing.
0.00 (0) 17
Least used extension
Replace every instance of "The New York Times" to "The Failing New York Times".
0.00 (0) N/A
Highest rated extension
Notifies user when the IRF Kiruna magnetogram readings indicate that nice auroras have been appearing.
0.00 (0) 17
Lowest rated extension
Notifies user when the IRF Kiruna magnetogram readings indicate that nice auroras have been appearing.
0.00 (0) 17

Active extensions

Migrants or Refugees?
#1, Migrants or Refugees?
Migrants or Refugees?
Replace every instance of the word Migrant to the word Refugee.
0.00 (0)
The Failing New York Times
#2, The Failing New York Times
The Failing New York Times
Replace every instance of "The New York Times" to "The Failing New York Times".
0.00 (0)
IRF Kiruna Aurora Alert
#3, IRF Kiruna Aurora Alert
IRF Kiruna Aurora Alert
Notifies user when the IRF Kiruna magnetogram readings indicate that nice auroras have been appearing.
0.00 (0)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count