
Publisher summary

NateM135 is a Chrome extension publisher. Its Chrome extensions have reached 264 users.

Users: 264 (Average 66/extension)
Email: me*****
Rating: 4.30 (10)
Total published extensions: 4

Published Chrome extensions

4 results. Page 1 of 1.
K-On 2560x1440 Theme
2560x1440p K-ON Theme. It is a simple picture of the band. There are a surprisingly low amount of 2560x1440 themes, so I will be…
4.33 (3)
Noragami 2560x1440 Theme
Noragami 2560x1440 Theme. The image used in the theme is the same image showed at the end of the opening of the first season.
3.75 (4)
Kakushigoto 2560x1440 Theme
2560x1440 Theme for Kakushigoto. Wallpaper used shows Hime and Goto. This theme is meant only for those with 2560x1440 Monitors,…
5.00 (2)
NateM135 Launcher
Quick Launch NateM135 Content
5.00 (1)
4 results. Page 1 of 1.