Mr. Wizard

Mr. Wizard is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 2 Chrome extensions, including Keyword Hunter (Redbubble). Its Chrome extensions have reached 81 users.

Users: 81 (Average 41/extension)
Email: wi*****
Rating: 0.00 (0)
Total active extensions: 2
Number of previously published extensions: 1

Active extensions

Keyword Hunter (Redbubble)
#1, Keyword Hunter (Redbubble)
Keyword Hunter (Redbubble)
Mr. Wizard
Keyword research tool for redbubble. Keyword research tool and keyword analytics guru. Get a license for full access.
0.00 (0)
Pinterest Ninja
#2, Pinterest Ninja
Pinterest Ninja
Mr. Wizard
Pinterest ninja to supercharge your pinterest experience. Download and export data you see.
0.00 (0)

Previous extensions

Zazzle Meta Research Tool
#1, Zazzle Meta Research Tool
Zazzle Meta Research Tool
Mr. Wizard
Complete free research tool for zazzle shop owners. If this helps don't forget to buy me a coffee!
0.00 (0)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count