Publisher summary

L4X_B4LL3R is a Chrome extension publisher. Its Chrome extensions have reached 359 users.

Users: 359 (Average 36/extension)
Rating: 4.53 (572)
Total published extensions: 10

Published Chrome extensions

10 results. Page 1 of 1.
Beautiful dark theme for all of you die-hard Steeler fans out there. Only the best NFL team of all time people!!!
4.29 (55)
Lamborghini Aventador - 1440_JZ
The new Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 - 1440 version. If only... By the way, the Aventador was named after a bull by the same…
4.71 (140)
Lamborghini Aventador - 1280_JZ
The new Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 - 1280 version. If only... By the way, the Aventador was named after a bull by the same…
4.58 (57)
Military Aircraft_JZ
Sweet theme of various military aircraft flying over the Statue of Liberty.
4.24 (25)
Earth from Outside Shuttle_JZ
In honor of today's historic event, I was inspired to create another shuttle theme. I really like this one and hope you do too.…
4.54 (28)
Blue Thong_JZ
The name pretty much says it all. Very sexy theme.
4.72 (47)
Endeavour Launch_JZ
Amazing shuttle launch theme. I know it's been done before, but I think this one is better. Header images properly aligned,…
3.20 (20)
Sky Full of Lighters_JZ
This theme was inspired by the new hit single Lighters from the Bad Meets Evil: Hell The Sequel featuring Royce Da 5'9, Bruno Mars…
4.66 (116)
Sharp theme for all you Camaro lovers out there.
4.53 (70)
Simple and clean theme for all of you Ubuntu lovers out there.
4.29 (14)
10 results. Page 1 of 1.