InsCyt, LLC

InsCyt, LLC is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 5 Chrome extensions, including FusionPass Internal - Password Manager. Its Chrome extensions have reached 24 users.

Users: 24 (Average 5/extension)
Email: sa*****
Rating: 0.00 (0)
Total active extensions: 5
Number of previously published extensions: 3
Most used extension
A secure password manager for all of your devices.
0.00 (0) 11
Least used extension
Allowing safe browsing by blocking malicious sites from top-notch malware discovery.
0.00 (0) N/A
Highest rated extension
A secure password manager for all of your devices.
0.00 (0) 11
Lowest rated extension
A secure password manager for all of your devices.
0.00 (0) 11

Active extensions

#1, ShadowNet
InsCyt, LLC
Allowing safe browsing by blocking malicious sites from top-notch malware discovery.
0.00 (0)
TechAssure Safe Browsing
#2, TechAssure Safe Browsing
TechAssure Safe Browsing
InsCyt, LLC
Allowing safe browsing by blocking malicious sites from top-notch malware discovery.
0.00 (0)
International Road Dynamics Safe Browsing
#3, International Road Dynamics Safe Browsing
International Road Dynamics Safe Browsing
InsCyt, LLC
Allowing safe browsing by blocking malicious sites from top-notch malware discovery.
0.00 (0)
FusionPass - Password Manager
#4, FusionPass - Password Manager
FusionPass - Password Manager
InsCyt, LLC
A secure password manager for all of your devices.
0.00 (0)
FusionPass Internal - Password Manager
#5, FusionPass Internal - Password Manager
FusionPass Internal - Password Manager
InsCyt, LLC
A secure password manager for all of your devices.
0.00 (0)

Previous extensions

Grantham University Safe Browsing
#1, Grantham University Safe Browsing
Grantham University Safe Browsing
InsCyt, LLC
Allowing safe browsing by blocking malicious sites from top-notch malware discovery.
0.00 (0)
BCP Safe Browsing
#2, BCP Safe Browsing
BCP Safe Browsing
InsCyt, LLC
Allowing safe browsing by blocking malicious sites from top-notch malware discovery.
0.00 (0)
InsCyt Safe Browsing
#3, InsCyt Safe Browsing
InsCyt Safe Browsing
InsCyt, LLC
Allowing safe browsing by blocking malicious sites from top-notch malware discovery.
0.00 (0)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count