
Publisher summary

IDontKnow is a Chrome extension publisher. Its Chrome extensions have reached 4,960+ users.

Users: 4,960+ (Average 992/extension)
Rating: 4.72 (335)
Total published extensions: 5

Published Chrome extensions

5 results. Page 1 of 1.
Nier:Automata YoRHa Theme
Unfortunately the Google logo and the miniatures are often covering the YoRHa logo but I didn't find a way yet to make it look…
4.73 (93)
Osu theme Dark
The same theme is avaliable as well in the original osu colors:…
4.81 (69)
Osu theme
A fresh osu theme that I had in mind to create. The same theme is also available in dark:…
4.80 (133)
Minecraft Theme
This is a Minecraft theme I created some years ago. If you have any improvement suggestions or ideas for other designs, don't…
4.37 (38)
3.00 (2)
5 results. Page 1 of 1.