FB Solver

FB Solver is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 1 Chrome extension, including NEW FreeBitco Claimer With/Without Captcha. Its Chrome extensions have reached 2,000+ users.

Users: 2,000+
Email: fr*****@gmail.com
Rating: 3.74 (27)
Total active extensions: 1
Number of previously published extensions: 2

Active extensions

NEW FreeBitco Claimer With/Without Captcha
#1, NEW FreeBitco Claimer With/Without Captcha
NEW FreeBitco Claimer With/Without Captcha
FB Solver
Auto Claime BTC from FreeBitco with Captcha V2 or Without Captcha and Activation of Bonuses.
3.74 (27)

Previous extensions

FreeBitco Solver
#1, FreeBitco Solver
FreeBitco Solver
FB Solver
Claime BTC from FreeBitco with Captcha V2 or Without Captcha!
5.00 (1)
FreeBitco AutoClaim And Bonus
#2, FreeBitco AutoClaim And Bonus
FreeBitco AutoClaim And Bonus
FB Solver
Auto Claime BTC from FreeBitco with Captcha V2 or Without Captcha!
0.00 (0)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count