Armand Grillet

Armand Grillet is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 3 Chrome extensions, including Mado. Its Chrome extensions have reached 1,097+ users.

Users: 1,097+ (Average 366/extension)
Rating: 4.38 (66)
Total active extensions: 3
Number of previously published extensions: 1
Most used extension
Mado (v0.5)
Mado is a Markdown editor application. You can use it to take notes, write blog posts or edit documents.
4.37 (65) 837
Least used extension
An extension to see what will look like your new comment on DN
5.00 (1) 3
Highest rated extension
An extension to see what will look like your new comment on DN
5.00 (1) 3
Lowest rated extension
Nope (v1.1)
Are you spending too much time on a website? Nope it!
0.00 (0) 257

Active extensions

Preview for Designer News
#1, Preview for Designer News
Preview for Designer News
Armand Grillet
An extension to see what will look like your new comment on DN
5.00 (1)
#2, Mado
Armand Grillet
Mado is a Markdown editor application. You can use it to take notes, write blog posts or edit documents.
4.37 (65)
#3, Nope
Armand Grillet
Are you spending too much time on a website? Nope it!
0.00 (0)

Previous extensions

Snap - Clear the downloads list automatically
#1, Snap - Clear the downloads list automatically
Snap - Clear the downloads list automatically
Armand Grillet
Clear your downloads list automatically after a specified amount of time.
4.50 (12)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count