Christian Genco

Christian Genco is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 3 Chrome extensions, including Export History. Its Chrome extensions have reached 2,463+ users.

Users: 2,463+ (Average 821/extension)
Email: ch*****
Rating: 3.32 (57)
Total active extensions: 3
Number of previously published extensions: 0
Most used extension
Download your full chrome history in Excel-readable csv and json
2.96 (47) 2,000+
Least used extension
Collapse the TEKS guidelines into an accordion to make them easier to browse.
5.00 (3) 74
Highest rated extension
Automatic translation of Tailwind UI components to React
5.00 (7) 389
Lowest rated extension
Download your full chrome history in Excel-readable csv and json
2.96 (47) 2,000+

Active extensions

Export History
#1, Export History
Export History
Christian Genco
Download your full chrome history in Excel-readable csv and json
2.96 (47)
TEKS Accordion
#2, TEKS Accordion
TEKS Accordion
Christian Genco
Collapse the TEKS guidelines into an accordion to make them easier to browse.
5.00 (3)
Tailwind UI React
#3, Tailwind UI React
Tailwind UI React
Christian Genco
Automatic translation of Tailwind UI components to React
5.00 (7)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count