Channel Studio

Channel Studio is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 2 Chrome extensions, including MOO Color Picker. Its Chrome extensions have reached 798 users.

Users: 798 (Average 399/extension)
Email: in*****
Rating: 4.75 (8)
Total active extensions: 2
Number of previously published extensions: 0

Active extensions

Brand New Romanify
#1, Brand New Romanify
Brand New Romanify
Channel Studio
Rebrands your webpage with Brand New Roman.
4.33 (3)
MOO Color Picker
#2, MOO Color Picker
MOO Color Picker
Channel Studio
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus, MOO has created this simple Chrome extension to help spark creativity.
5.00 (5)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count