Publisher summary
CHAINS4W is a Chrome extension publisher. Its Chrome extensions have reached 1,952+ users.
Users: 1,952+ (Average
Email: ch*****
Rating: 4.54
Total published extensions: 7
Published Chrome extensions
7 results. Page 1 of 1.
Bioshock 1959 Rapture Theme
Here is the heavily requested re-vamp to my older Bioshock Rapture Theme. This is a must-have theme for any Bioshock fans who want…
The Hunger Games Characters Fire Theme
A Flamingly Virbrant Theme based upon The Hunger Games Movie and Books. The Hunger Games were originally a best selling book series…
Bioshock Rapture Theme
A varied theme based upon The Video Game Bioshock, The Genetically-Enhanced, First-Person Shooter developed by 2k Boston…
Star Wars Darth Maul Theme
A simple theme based upon everyone favorite double-lightsaber wielding villain from Star Wars Episode I. Enjoy the theme and let me…
The Darkness II
A simple google chrome theme based off of the sequel to a video game called "The Darkness." Made by 2k Games, The Darkness 2 comes…
Periphery Theme
A google chrome theme based off the emerging band Periphery from Bethesda, Maryland! They are a Djent Metal band and are currently…
Paramore Singles
A theme based around the singles three bar cover! What better way to show your support for Paramore?
7 results. Page 1 of 1.