Lowest Hanging Fruit

Lowest Hanging Fruit

Optimize product research selection and management for your Amazon Influencer business.

Total ratings for Lowest Hanging Fruit
4.60 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Lowest Hanging Fruit on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Lowest Hanging Fruit
Recent rating average: 4.67
All time rating average: 4.60
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Stephanie Matson
Stephanie Matson
en I added the chrome extnesion and it was working great! However now everything shows up blue, am I doing something wrong??
Chad Zingarelli
Chad Zingarelli
en Just purchased! I love the low hanging fruit extension and i can see the color categories with no issue on my laptop. However, i logged into my amazon account on my wife's computer and the categories all are blue. We use the same amazon account and both do reviews. Is this because i'm trying to log in on a separate computer?
Lisa at Online Solutions
Lisa at Online Solutions
en Edited Review after Update: I am really liking this extension. The last update fixed the issue where the extension was not working. Sadly somehow we lost the color coding on the Amazon Products. Everything is blue now (instead of yellow & red colors too). Hopefully this get's updated soon :)
Chase Hassen
Chase Hassen
en Ive loved LHF so far, the color coding is soooo helpful to make me see the good products to do instantly. Like it just makes me avoid the bad ones because they are all red. I think im going to take some peoples spots on top 10 BSR products too because of that <15 second scanner like its so cool.
Falcon 50
Falcon 50
en Ive been using the latest version for the past few days and I have to say this product has come a long way. From just data only to data + super clean extension. I actually looked forward to writing this review because its so good.
Reviews by 2playermode4ever
Reviews by 2playermode4ever
en So far so good!