AgilityNerd Results Blender

AgilityNerd Results Blender

A browser extension to view UKI result data in a more user-friendly way.

Total ratings for AgilityNerd Results Blender
5.00 (Rating count: 7)
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Recent reviews for AgilityNerd Results Blender
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Kim Kohls
Kim Kohls
en This blender takes all of the work out of figuring exactly where you are at for titles and what you still need to qualify for the Open. Simply AMAZING. Instructions make this very simple and with the click of a button you save HOURS of time !
Tanya Lee
Tanya Lee
en This is truly amazing Steve, thank you SO much! I am horrible with keeping up with UKI titles but this makes it so easy. Donated for a cup of coffee or two ;).
Gwyn Friedl
Gwyn Friedl
en You want a fast, easy, just a few clicks away to see your results in UKI? Then you've hit the jackpot when you come to this app! RUN, don't walk, to your computer, tablet, laptop, phone, whatever, and get this app! I've never been one to put a lot of value on what titles my dog has earned. I have always been curious and now I know and it's really cool! Thanks, Steve!!!
Liz Randall
Liz Randall
en I am already terrible at tracking titles and UKI makes it especially challenging. Thanks to this I now know my retired girl got her IAC and IWAC titles. That means a lot to me and I never would have known without this app. Thank you Steve!!!
Loret Bartol
Loret Bartol
en Steve - that is amazing!!! thank you!!! do we owe you another cup of coffee?
Kelly M-S
Kelly M-S
en STEVE STRIKES AGAIN! SOOO IMPRESSED WITH THIS! My dogs have a handful of accomplishments that I had not caught! More Coffee for Steve!
Mary Cheney
Mary Cheney
en So tracking UKI can be intense. This made it so easy. Who knew my retired dog had 3 IWACs? Not me. This is a game changer!!