Compare Chrome extensions: 知乎安卓平板端优化 (for Yandex) vs Facebook account hack 2021 #1 fb hack app

Stats 知乎安卓平板端优化 (for Yandex) Facebook account hack 2021 #1 fb hack app
User count 39 12,359+
Average rating 5.00 2.00
Rating count 5 22
Last updated 2018-07-05 2020-11-22
Size 55.78K 35.62K
Version 1.1 1.0.2
Short description
用于安卓平板Yandex浏览器,对知乎主要页面强制启用PC版,并进行横屏触屏优化 Hack facebook account in 1 minute. Facebook password sniper.
Full summary

注:本插件是在安卓平板上使用的,专用于Yandex浏览器,因为只有该安卓浏览器支持谷歌插件。 知乎的APP是无法横屏使用的,这使得用安卓平板横屏使用时十分不便(比如用保护套架在桌子上)。而知乎的移动端网页的访问体验又十分糟糕,各种限制和“app内打开”按钮。虽然可以强制请求PC端页面,但每次都要手动打开,而且PC页面没有针对平板做操作优化,使用有些不便。本插件就是解决这个问题的。 本插件大体上做两件事情:

  1. 自动强制使用PC端页面,不需要手动选择浏览器自带的PC模式;
  2. 优化触屏操作,比如把顶部栏挪到左边减少屏幕占用,缩减页面宽度使页面无法左右滑动等。 目前生效页面有知乎首页、回答页、个人首页、搜索页、话题页和专栏页等,其它页面没有优化必要


#1 facebook password hacking tool in the world. You can hack any facebook account password in just a couple of minutes using this chrome app. #Steps.. #1. Download our google chrome app in your browser (You can use fb hack directly from our website if you are using a mobile browser)

Install this plugin on desktop chrome browser or visit the website linked to it below or on the right. 👉

#2. Enter anyone's facebook username/email #3. Tick all tos boxes and click "CONTNUE" button #4. Wait 1-5 minutes to fetch and decode password from fb servers #5. Go to facebook and enter username and password you collected from our app.. DONE!!

Tips : You should keep username and password secure and take precautions when storing or sending it to someone.