Grow your browser extensions

Track, compare, and analyze browser extensions

Premium plan



Supported platforms
‐ Access extension stats across all platforms
3 years of historical stats access
‐ Access to all ranking stats, all pages, and 3 years of past data
Unlimited extension tracking
‐ Unlimited extension tracking. Receive notification through email and Slack.
Download and search source codes
‐ Download, search, inspect, and diff extension source code across extensions
Risk and reviews analysis
‐ View risk score reasons and analyze user reviews
Compare extensions
‐ Compare 2+ extensions side-by-side, including historical stats
Advanced search
‐ View all records, add conditions, sort columns, and export data on advanced search
Raw data
‐ Download raw data CSV to run your own analysis
API Access
‐ Access our data programmatically via API
No ads
‐ Browse our website without seeing any ads!
Includes 2 additional licenses
‐ Allow more users within your organization to access our data

Contact us

Not sure which plan is the right choice for you, or need a solution that is not listed here? Tell us about your use-case so we can help you!


Do I need to sign in to use the free plan?

Our free plan is available to all users. You can access most of our websites without signing in. Signing in will allow us to provide you with more customization, save your preference, and get in touch with you in the future. Free plan is sponsored by ads, so you will see ads throughout our product, which will be hidden when you upgrade to our paid plan.

Do I need to pay to use Chrome-Stats?

No, many of the features on our site are available for free. However, signing up to the paid plan will give you more features, such as unlimited extension tracking, download and inspect past extension versions, run advanced search queries, export raw data, etc.

What is 7 days money back guaranteed?

If you are not happy with our premium plan, please contact us at [email protected] within 7 days of purchase for a full refund. All we ask is that you give us some feedbacks so we can improve our service in the future. Note that the full refund is only eligible for monthly or yearly plan. One-day plan may not be refunded unless the error is on our side.

An extension I use is no longer working, can Chrome-Stats help?

Chrome-Stats is a service that provides stats and insights into browser extensions. We do NOT own the extensions hosted here. If you run into an issue with an extension, please reach out to the extension developer instead. You can find the extension developer website and/or email on the extension overview page.

Do you offer API access?

Yes! Our programmatic APIs are available for premium users.

How often do you refresh the data?

We crawl daily. All ranking data are refreshed every day.

Why can't I find some older versions of an extension?

We started Chrome-Stats in late 2020, and continued to enhance it over the years. As such, some extension versions that are published before we started our project may not be available on Chrome-Stats.

We started Edge-Stats in early 2022 and Firefox-Stats in mid 2022. Unfortunately we do not have data before we started our project.

Can I access stats older than 1 year?

We continue to enhance our data over the years. As such, some of our oldest data may not be as accurate or as comprehensive as our newer data. We do not generally allow access to extremely old stats through our website. However, premium members can download them as raw data.

Can I cancel my subscription? What is the refund policy?

We are a subscription-based service. You can cancel your subscription at any time during the billing period. If you cancel before the end of the subscription, we will refund the prorated amount.

Can I change my subscription later?

You can use Manage Subscription button (only shown after you have subscribed to a paid plan) to cancel or make changes to your plan. If you are unsure, feel free contact us!

What is historical data access?

Historical data access allows you to select an older date to view the data on the selected date, allowing you to go back in time and see the stats, summary, screenshots, etc. in the past.

Do you support non-Chrome extension stats?

In addition to Chrome extension stats on Chrome Web Store, we also support Edge add-on stats and Firefox add-on stats. Your Chrome-Stats subscription will automatically work for Edge and Firefox as well and vice-versa. (You may need to login to each site again)

What if I have more questions?

Please check out our documentations. You can also send us a message