David Maíllo

David Maíllo is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 3 Chrome extensions, including Instant Downloader. Its Chrome extensions have reached 12,062+ users.

Users: 12,062+ (Average 4,021/extension)
Email: wa*****@gmail.com
Rating: 2.88 (50)
Total active extensions: 3
Number of previously published extensions: 0
Most used extension
Download one or multiple pictures from Instagram. ✨
2.78 (41) 6,000+
Least used extension
Allows users to easily generate GMeet links from RocketChat
0.00 (0) 62
Highest rated extension
Use Whatsapp Web as always with extra powerful functions and utils
3.33 (9) 6,000+
Lowest rated extension
Allows users to easily generate GMeet links from RocketChat
0.00 (0) 62

Active extensions

WhatsAdd: Tools for Whatsapp Web
#1, WhatsAdd: Tools for Whatsapp Web
WhatsAdd: Tools for Whatsapp Web
David Maíllo
Use Whatsapp Web as always with extra powerful functions and utils
3.33 (9)
Instant Downloader
#2, Instant Downloader
Instant Downloader
David Maíllo
Download one or multiple pictures from Instagram. ✨
2.78 (41)
RocketMeet - Google Meets from RocketChat
#3, RocketMeet - Google Meets from RocketChat
RocketMeet - Google Meets from RocketChat
David Maíllo
Allows users to easily generate GMeet links from RocketChat
0.00 (0)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count