Age Of Empires HD Wallpapers
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Extension summary
Hello guys
Age Of Empires wallpaper tab has taken its place in the chrome store and is waiting for you to download. Thanks to Age Of Empires, wonderful Age Of Empires visuals will welcome you in every new tab you open, and you can start using it by downloading it immediately.
Age Of Empires wallpaper Extensions features
☂️ Once the extensions are installed, it opens the developer website once and customizes your new tab. ☂️ Shortcut icon of famous websites sites ☂️ Shortcut icon showing popular video games ☂️ If you want the photos, you can hold the pc by right clicking the mouse. ☂️ search bar in the middle of the page ☂️ Awesome Age Of Empires visuals on every new tab you open
Extension safety
Risk impact
Age Of Empires HD Wallpapers requires very minimum permissions.
Risk impact analysis details
- Medium Can alter new tab settings; fairly benign but with some capability to affect user experience.
- Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood
We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Age Of Empires HD Wallpapers. Use it at your own risk.
Risk likelihood analysis details
- Critical This extension is not longer available in the store
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