Draw Canvas

Draw Canvas is a online collaborative drawing community where you can work with others to create and draw unbounded tile art.

Draw Canvas - Online Collaborative Drawing Community

Draw Canvas is an online drawing site where users can collaborate in creating large artistic canvases. It allows users to draw units that relate to the surrounding units, creating a seamless and unbounded canvas. Users can sign in to save their units and have the option to edit other users' units, which then go into an 'Approval Manager' for the owner to approve or delete. An administrator makes decisions for unapproved revisions after 1 week.

Extension stats

Users: 8,000+
Rating: 1.88
Version: 1.2 (Last updated: 2013-08-13)
Creation date: 2013-08-13
Manifest version: 2
Size: 8.73K
URLs: Website

Other platforms

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Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Draw Canvas is an online drawing site where users can collaborate in creating large artistic canvases. A canvas is started by any user who gives a new canvas a theme name and then draws the first square which somehow relates to the theme of the canvas. The first square created is called a seed unit and when this unit is created the four adjacent units to the north south east and west of this first unit are opened up for others to draw on. As these adjacent units are created they will in turn open up their four surrounding units and in this way the canvas will expand unbounded.

The rules for creating units on the canvas are simple. The first rule is that a new unit must relate to the units surrounding it. This means that if you are drawing a unit next to a unit which has a river running through it the unit you draw must continue the river in such a way that the river does not come to an abrupt end at the edge of your unit. This will rule is important to help a canvas appear seamless as one large scene.

The second rule in drawing units in Draw Canvas is that you may not spell out anything unless its part of an object you have drawn. The last rule which pertains to all content on Draw Canvas is that you may not draw or write anything profain, obsene, or offensive this includes nudity and bad words.

In order to actually save a unit to the canvas you must be signed in at the time of submission. If you are not the unit you have drawn will be saved in your recovery bin which can be accessed from you profile which will be created when you create an account. The recovery bin will show units that you have drawn that have not been submitted to the canvas and will display a thumbs up or thumbs down button for you to decide to submit it or delete it permanently. Click the unit to see the unit in your recovery bin in context of the surrounding 8 units. Users are allowed to edit units owned by other users in the same way that they would draw or edit their own unit. When you click submit from the drawing application after editing another users unit the revision will go into the owners 'Approval Manager' which is located in their profile and wait for the owner of the unit to approve or delete the revision. If a revision is not approved or deleted by the owner of the unit with 1 week of the submission an administrator will make the decision for the owner.

Extension safety

Risk impact

Draw Canvas does not require any sensitive permissions.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Low This permission has no access or impact on the user's system or data, thus carrying no risk.
  • Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Draw Canvas. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • Critical This extension is not longer available in the store
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

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