Singapore Bus Routes Explorer

Singapore Bus Routes Explorer

Show all routes and bus stops on the map for all bus services in Singapore.

Total ratings for Singapore Bus Routes Explorer
4.54 (Rating count: 24)
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Recent reviews for Singapore Bus Routes Explorer
Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.54
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en Great, you can see a view of each bus stop throughout the bus route.
Lawrence Lim
Lawrence Lim
en Really, REALLY great utility for people getting around by bus. However I realise that it can take quite long for changes and updates of existing and new bus routes to be reflected, e.g. SMRT services 300, 301 and 983 were not updated until a few months later; SBS service 103's extension to Yishun is still not reflected. But overall a job very well done! Just have to work on timely information updating :)
A Google user
en Helpful, but could really use some killer features (e.g. view two routes at the same time, viewing all entire routes that pass through a bus stop, etc).
Bijay Tay
Bijay Tay
en Useful to get overview of a bus service. Can be better if showing routes of 2 services. The intersection is for changing to the other bus. BJ
Akhil Sekharan
Akhil Sekharan
en Great
Nic Tai
Nic Tai
en like it =)
Awai Li Run Yuan
Awai Li Run Yuan
en sure love it!
Cheong Yeong Jiun
Cheong Yeong Jiun
en Good apps for tourist