Compare Chrome extensions: 大小写金额转换 vs Currency Converter PRO

Stats 大小写金额转换 大小写金额转换 Currency Converter PRO Currency Converter PRO
User count 104 111,089+
Average rating 0.00 4.62
Rating count 0 2,425
Last updated 2018-05-24 2023-11-22
Size 8.50K 623.62K
Version 0.9.9 3.12
Short description
轻松实现民币金额(数字)大小写转换的在线工具 Currency converter for Google Chrome fast and easy to use.
Full summary

简介:轻松实现民币金额(数字)大小写转换的在线工具 功能说明:人民币大写规则的写法和繁体字转换有所区别,比如10000应该写作“壹万”而非“壹萬”。人民币大写在线转换工具,可以将人民币小写金额转换为大写金额,轻巧绿色且使用简便,使您免去了一个个输入大写文字的烦恼。

Why use a currency converter?

Use this free currency converter to calculate currencies and exchange rates in real time, you can use it in travel planning, trade the forex market, stock exchange, and even with binary options to convert currencies from anywhere in the world.

Exchange rates fluctuate constantly throughout the week as currencies are actively traded. This pushes the price up and down, similar to other assets such as gold or stocks. The market price of a currency – how many U.S. dollars it takes to buy a Canadian dollar for example – is different than the rate you will receive from your bank when you exchange currency. Here's how exchange rates work, and how to figure out if you are getting a good deal. Currency converters aim to maintain real-time information on current market or bank exchange rates, so that the calculated result changes whenever the value of either of the component currencies does. They do so by connecting to a database of current currency exchange rates. The frequency at which currency converters update the exchange rates they use varies.

Currency converters usually display a value that is not biased towards buying or selling. This is useful when estimating the value of goods or services, basic accounting and invoicing and preparing financial plans and reports.

This converter uses the BCE API: The reference rates are usually updated around 16:00 CET on every working day, except on TARGET closing days. They are based on a regular daily concertation procedure between central banks across Europe, which normally takes place at 14:15 CET.

Version 3.07: Add the feature to share the exchange rate for the day on socials: LinkedIn, Twitter, in addition to Facebook, automatically share the exchange rate on the newsfeed through the easy post api.

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