Sateraito Office, Inc.

Sateraito Office, Inc. is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 4 Chrome extensions, including AI Board (GPT Support). Its Chrome extensions have reached 14,263+ users.

Users: 14,263+ (Average 3,566/extension)
Email: co*****
Rating: 2.00 (1)
Total active extensions: 4
Number of previously published extensions: 0
Most used extension
This is a service that uses the general ChatGPT API with enhanced security for corporate use.
0.00 (0) 10,000+
Least used extension
You can create the short URL or QR code of opened page on Chromebook or Chrome browser.
2.00 (1) 263
Highest rated extension
You can create the short URL or QR code of opened page on Chromebook or Chrome browser.
2.00 (1) 263
Lowest rated extension
This is a service that uses the general ChatGPT API with enhanced security for corporate use.
0.00 (0) 10,000+

Active extensions

External system integration - Single Sign-On service
#1, External system integration - Single Sign-On service
External system integration - Single Sign-On service
Sateraito Office, Inc.
This is a service that allows you to automatically log in to various services on behalf of your company in conjunction with…
0.00 (0)
Shorten URL Creator - Sateraito Office
#2, Shorten URL Creator - Sateraito Office
Shorten URL Creator - Sateraito Office
Sateraito Office, Inc.
You can create the short URL or QR code of opened page on Chromebook or Chrome browser.
2.00 (1)
AI Board (GPT Support)
#3, AI Board (GPT Support)
AI Board (GPT Support)
Sateraito Office, Inc.
This is a service that uses the general ChatGPT API with enhanced security for corporate use.
0.00 (0)
AI Document (GPT Support)
#4, AI Document (GPT Support)
AI Document (GPT Support)
Sateraito Office, Inc.
Add a menu to consult ChatGPT on screens such as Mail and Drive.
0.00 (0)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count