LHQ is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 3 Chrome extensions, including Leprosorium on Steroids. Its Chrome extensions have reached 1,041+ users.

Users: 1,041+ (Average 347/extension)
Rating: 4.67 (42)
Total active extensions: 3
Number of previously published extensions: 0
Most used extension
Set of different things and pipyakas that increase hang time on Leprosorium.
4.68 (38) 987
Least used extension
Show health status of the projects that are hosted in the public domain near an anchor tag.
0.00 (0) 6
Highest rated extension
Set of different things and pipyakas that increase hang time on Leprosorium.
4.68 (38) 987
Lowest rated extension
Show health status of the projects that are hosted in the public domain near an anchor tag.
0.00 (0) 6

Active extensions

Leprosorium on Steroids
#1, Leprosorium on Steroids
Leprosorium on Steroids
Set of different things and pipyakas that increase hang time on Leprosorium.
4.68 (38)
Social Media References
#2, Social Media References
Social Media References
Shows you all the discussions on the social media aggregators(Reddit, Hacker News) for the page you're visiting.
4.50 (4)
Project Activity Checker
#3, Project Activity Checker
Project Activity Checker
Show health status of the projects that are hosted in the public domain near an anchor tag.
0.00 (0)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count