
AliceKeeler is a Chrome extension publisher. It has published 3 Chrome extensions, including Alice Keeler Classroom Split. Its Chrome extensions have reached 274,000+ users.

Users: 274,000+ (Average 91,333/extension)
Emails: in*****,te*****
Rating: 3.86 (63)
Total active extensions: 3
Number of previously published extensions: 1
Most used extension
Have your students install this extension to allow students to have their Google Classroom directions side by side with their work
4.21 (24) 200,000+
Least used extension
SlideShot creates a screenshot every every minute and saves the image in Google Drive.
4.25 (4) 4,000+
Highest rated extension
SlideShot creates a screenshot every every minute and saves the image in Google Drive.
4.25 (4) 4,000+
Lowest rated extension
Record 30 seconds of your webcam into Drive!
3.57 (35) 70,000+

Active extensions

Alice Keeler SlideShot
#1, Alice Keeler SlideShot
Alice Keeler SlideShot
SlideShot creates a screenshot every every minute and saves the image in Google Drive.
4.25 (4)
Alice Keeler Classroom Split
#2, Alice Keeler Classroom Split
Alice Keeler Classroom Split
Have your students install this extension to allow students to have their Google Classroom directions side by side with their work
4.21 (24)
Alice Keeler Webcam Record
#3, Alice Keeler Webcam Record
Alice Keeler Webcam Record
Record 30 seconds of your webcam into Drive!
3.57 (35)

Previous extensions

Alice Keeler Webcam Snapshot
#1, Alice Keeler Webcam Snapshot
Alice Keeler Webcam Snapshot
Take webcam snapshots and saves them into Google Drive.
4.00 (4)

Stats trends

Total user count
Chrome extension count